Friday 17 October 2014

Hey this is a review from Matt.

i and the rest of the team were blown away with the interest in our tea light ecoglo candle holder product, personally i just couldnt believe when the punters started queing in numbers infront of our stall, i was totally thankful to those who bought and gave us tokens for all of our products, yet i was truly impressed with the feed back we got from the happy kind people who purchased the candles with the use in mind to take them home and make our product a part of their own personal space where they live. i hope that all those which bought our candles put them to good use, i was a little surprised that our product was so popular but i guess that was what we put in through the weeks of production really payed off, well short and sweet or as lyn the Industrial tutor would say small and perfectly formed, well that was how it was, so pleased with the team and the girls that minded the stall whilst i got to browse the entire market which was awesome. but really thanks to my team and everyone else who had the pleasure to participate. Matt Curran

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