Tuesday 30 September 2014

Tag Designs

I have decided that a good size for the tags to go on our designs is 5cm x 3cm. This allows us enough room to write price and the brand same, but aren't too big to detract from the product. They would be attached with string around the neck of the jar.

Here are some of the designs I have made. These will be printed on brown paper.


Final tag on holder:

Here is the final tag design attached to a holder as it would be at our stall. The type ended up having to be black as I forgot that you are unable to print white ink onto coloured paper with a laser printer, I don't see the black as being an issue as it still works with our design. I then punched a hole in each tag and attached with string around each of the holders. Here they only show our company name and product, we will write the price manually on the back of the tag closer to the market. I originally was thinking of going with a larger twine, rope or hessian but I thought those materials looked too large for the tags and were distracting on the holder. I have printed out enough tags for the whole group so will give them out to the others the day of the setup.

- Natalie Crawford

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