Monday 22 September 2014

Brainstorm of names for product and type explorations on chosen name

Each of the people in our teams had one task to do over the week mine was to brainstorm and choose a name and maybe think of ideas how to design it also. I wanted a very pure simple name that will go along way. The name had to go with our Eco friendly rustic idea. I came up with Ecoglo as i thought it was a very Eco friendly name its very rustic and abit authentic too. I wanted to use Eco as it matches our theme of Eco Tea lights and it is exactly what we doing and it really explains our product in a short sentence. The glow links to light and makes it simple which i wanted. I took out the W of glow as i thought it didnt need the W it works well without it. I think our name really works with our product it links well and has a good ring to it.


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