Was really good to meet with Anna and Shannon today and talk about how our project was doing. Their feedback was:
That we were undervaluing our product at this stage and we could consider charging over 2 tokens for our holders as they would be too desirable at this stage. An idea was also brought up that we can charge different amount of tokens for particular types of holders, due to their price of production and amount of candles per holder. The idea that we could have a sale period during the end was also mentioned, this would help us get rid of any unwanted stock for one token per holder. This was a good validation from the tutors that our product was actually something valuable and wanted by customers. We still could look into getting more feedback from our peers as what is the amount of money they would pay per holder.
They thought that the amount of holders we had planned to make was not enough, With the demand we could expect from our product and the fact we have to sustain our stall for three hours meant we may have to make more than 5 more each. They suggested the quicker and easier ones to make e.g Natalie and Shems glass designs could be the area where we expand and make a higher number of products. Ideas like wrapping book paper round the jars and cutting different designs out of them is a quick and cheap way of producing a lot of products. Our only issue is finding a high number of jars. We will be expected to make at least 10 more each (15 per member of the group) with potential for even more glass designs.
Before our meeting we discussed the aesthetic and possible layout of the stall. We all agree it should be something rustic and home made looking and done in neutral colours like brown, cream and black.We needed to make our stall a dark space so we hoping to hang black sheets on the side of the stall to use to stop light from coming in the sides. The back of the stall would be against a wall and the front of the stall would be a table with the holders on it. We wanted to have a group name and logo/image of some description on the front of the stall below the table, we are still struggling with a name but would like something that plays off light/candles and involves the word eco in some way, it needs to be short and catchy. On the table we would need to tier our display holders a little, instead of making shelves which would take time we were thinking of displaying the holders on old books to add to the rustic feel, we would also have fairy lights and incense or oils to add to the mood of the stall.
Obviously one of our biggest concerns with a project like this is safety. The measures we are putting in place in terms of safety are:
Having a large number of our holders with the flames not exceeding the top of the holder.
Having the holders where the flame does exceed the top in the middle of the table in obvious view away from peoples clothing and the sides of the stall.
Having the jar holders with the flame inside on the edge of the stall nearest to the hanging sheets.
Giving out safety tags with the safety information about the product with the product.
Having a fire extinguisher at the stall at all times.
Having at least 2 members of the group at the stall at all times.
Only have a maximum of 20 - 25 candles lit at a time, the other would remain unlit under the stall.
Testing each of our products at home for an extended period of time to test safety.
We have met with the health and safety team and discussed all these points with them and they seem relatively happy to let us proceed.
From here we have all taken different jobs to work on how the stall will work, as well as making more of our product.
Maddie - Logo and name design for the front of stall - banner/poster of some description.
Natalie - Health and safety tags to go with the holders - also may have a how to guide on how to make each holder. Roughly 5cm x 5cm in diameter attached with twine.
Michelle & Shem - Stall presentation. Sorting out the way the store will look, what the holders will sit on and how it will be laid out, sourcing light and incense materials and finding out how to make the space dark.
Matt - Logistics of making the stall, sorting out a table for the products to sit on and a way the sheets will hang at the side to make the stall dark.